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Meet Leah - Director of Scholar Engagement

Meet Leah, our newest Direc­tor of Schol­ar Engage­ment! Leah is excit­ed to work with each schol­ar to help them nav­i­gate their col­lege expe­ri­ence. Hear more about her role by read­ing her full interview!

Where did you get your degree from?

I went to under­grad at Iowa State Uni­ver­si­ty and grad school at Bue­na Vista Uni­ver­si­ty with a Mas­ter’s in Edu­ca­tion and Coun­sel­ing. I am also a cer­ti­fied teacher, school coun­selor and a Licensed Men­tal Health Counselor. 

What is your role as the Direc­tor of Schol­ar Engage­ment? What are you excit­ed to do in this role?

I am excit­ed to begin my role as Direc­tor of Schol­ar Engage­ment and to work with each schol­ar to help them nav­i­gate their col­lege expe­ri­ence. I enjoy work­ing with stu­dents and help­ing them find their pas­sion and turn­ing it into a career.

What is your favorite way to waste time?

Right now, I spend a lot of time tak­ing my two chil­dren to all their var­i­ous activ­i­ties. How­ev­er, when I have free time, I enjoy read­ing, tak­ing my dog on walks, and watch­ing any­thing on Net­flix.

What your biggest advice for schol­ars as they go through col­lege?

My advice to schol­ars is to nev­er be afraid to ask ques­tions. Also, take the time to enjoy and explore your pas­sions and inter­ests because life is too short to only focus on the seri­ous stuff.