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Scholar Spotlight: Ngoc Le

Senior at Iowa State University

Being a Bright Schol­ar means giv­ing back. I am try­ing to cul­ti­vate myself as a bet­ter per­son and equip myself with impor­tant skills and knowl­edge to have a sta­ble career and give back as much as I can.

What oppor­tu­ni­ties or expe­ri­ences have you been able to take part in that you might not have been able to with­out the schol­ar­ship?

I was able to take a trip to Bahia, Ecuador, dur­ing Thanks­giv­ing break in 2019. I learned how the envi­ron­ment is tight­ly con­nect­ed to res­i­dents’ health and how a sys­tem­at­ic action plan for emer­gen­cies, such as weath­er dis­as­ters, can great­ly reduce the dam­age to peo­ples lives.

How has the schol­ar­ship allowed you to do these things: grad­u­ate on-time, debt-free, launch your career and give back?

My career goal is to become a physi­cian. Becom­ing a physi­cian means I need to be in school for at least eight years. How­ev­er, being able to afford that edu­ca­tion seems out of reach, con­sid­er­ing my fam­i­ly’s finan­cial sit­u­a­tion. I am deeply grate­ful for the schol­ar­ship because it allows me to focus on my studies and pre­pare myself for the harsh four years of med­ical school with­out wor­ry­ing about debt. My dream is to pro­vide good-qual­i­ty health care ser­vices to peo­ple who can­not afford them. Without the schol­ar­ship, I do not think I would be able to take this path and get clos­er to achiev­ing my dream.

What is your favorite class and why?  

have found many of my class­es inter­est­ing, so it is hard to pick just one. The most mem­o­rable class­es are the ones I took for my Chi­nese stud­ies minor. Not only was I able to learn the lan­guage, but I had a chance to under­stand the cul­ture, tra­di­tions and cus­toms of the Chi­nese peo­ple. The instruc­tors are very car­ing, pas­sion­ate and cre­ative. I also met some good friends with whom I share the love of learn­ing about Chi­nese culture.

What is your ideal study envi­ron­ment?

I usu­al­ly can­not study at home since my desk is next to my bed. My study space must be sep­a­rate from my rest­ing space. I like a qui­et envi­ron­ment. Cof­fee, some lo-fi, chill music and good light­ing are essen­tial for my study envi­ron­ment. A good view is a plus, but not a neces­si­ty.

What’s the best food on cam­pus?

I love the gela­to at The Roas­t­erie. It is always nice to have gela­to and enjoy some relax­ing moments after study­ing.

Thanks for get­ting to know our won­der­ful schol­ars! Stayed tuned for more spot­lights to come on our News & Events page, as well as oth­er updates!