Scholar Spotlight: Ngoc Le
Senior at Iowa State University
“Being a Bright Scholar means giving back. I am trying to cultivate myself as a better person and equip myself with important skills and knowledge to have a stable career and give back as much as I can.”
What opportunities or experiences have you been able to take part in that you might not have been able to without the scholarship?
I was able to take a trip to Bahia, Ecuador, during Thanksgiving break in 2019. I learned how the environment is tightly connected to residents’ health and how a systematic action plan for emergencies, such as weather disasters, can greatly reduce the damage to people’s lives.
How has the scholarship allowed you to do these things: graduate on-time, debt-free, launch your career and give back?
My career goal is to become a physician. Becoming a physician means I need to be in school for at least eight years. However, being able to afford that education seems out of reach, considering my family’s financial situation. I am deeply grateful for the scholarship because it allows me to focus on my studies and prepare myself for the harsh four years of medical school without worrying about debt. My dream is to provide good-quality health care services to people who cannot afford them. Without the scholarship, I do not think I would be able to take this path and get closer to achieving my dream.
What is your favorite class and why?
I have found many of my classes interesting, so it is hard to pick just one. The most memorable classes are the ones I took for my Chinese studies minor. Not only was I able to learn the language, but I had a chance to understand the culture, traditions and customs of the Chinese people. The instructors are very caring, passionate and creative. I also met some good friends with whom I share the love of learning about Chinese culture.
What is your ideal study environment?
I usually cannot study at home since my desk is next to my bed. My study space must be separate from my resting space. I like a quiet environment. Coffee, some lo-fi, chill music and good lighting are essential for my study environment. A good view is a plus, but not a necessity.
What’s the best food on campus?
I love the gelato at The Roasterie. It is always nice to have gelato and enjoy some relaxing moments after studying.
Thanks for getting to know our wonderful scholars! Stayed tuned for more spotlights to come on our News & Events page, as well as other updates!