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Scholar Spotlight: Clayton Garmon

Senior at University of Iowa

Major: Mechan­i­cal Engi­neer­ing Major with an empha­sis in Ener­gy and the Envi­ron­ment
Home­town: Bloom­field, Iowa

What inspires you to pur­sue your cur­rent major(s)?

I am dri­ven to explore my cur­rent major because I love to learn about how the world around us works, and I want to use those skills to solve the prob­lems fac­ing our world today, par­tic­u­lar­ly the issues sur­round­ing our cli­mate and sus­tain­able usage.

What do you think sets you apart from oth­ers in your field of study? 

I think I am set apart from oth­ers in my field of study because of my dri­ve to suc­ceed in my pas­sion, and because of my personability.

When have you felt the proud­est and why?

My proud­est moment was dur­ing my intern­ship with Siemens when my work was used to inspire fur­ther projects that includ­ed the inte­gra­tion of my strate­gies into the software.

What advice would you give some­one who is about to enter their col­lege years?

Last semes­ter was my best semes­ter yet! I have recent­ly com­plet­ed an intern­ship at Siemens Dig­i­tal Indus­tries, and am start­ing a Co-Op oppor­tu­ni­ty at Inter­na­tion­al Paper. I am also in a lead­er­ship posi­tion in the Hawk­eye March­ing Band. I fin­ished last semes­ter strong and am one semes­ter away from grad­u­at­ing as the first per­son in my fam­i­ly to get a degree! So, my advice to oth­er Bright Schol­ars is to take advan­tage of every oppor­tu­ni­ty that you get, lean on those around you for sup­port, don’t be afraid to make mis­takes, and you will accom­plish great things.

3 words you would use to describe yourself

Resilient, Com­pas­sion­ate, and Driven

This or That

  • Morn­ing bird or night owl? Morn­ing bird
  • Make a phone call or send a text mes­sage? Make a phone call
  • Speak­ing sev­er­al lan­guages or play­ing sev­er­al instru­ments? Play­ing sev­er­al instruments

Thanks for get­ting to know our won­der­ful schol­ars! Stay tuned for more spot­lights to come on our News & Events page, as well as oth­er updates!