Scholar Spotlight: Hailey Huggins
School: University of Northern Iowa || Major: Business Management: Organizational Leadership

Hailey majors in business management organizational leadership with minors in philosophy and ethics. Her biggest accomplishment so far has been planning and executing a six hour conference for 250 high school women. Scroll to discover what the conference was about and more about Hailey!
How are you sharing your time and/or talents with others now? How do you hope to do so in the future?
For me, it is extremely important to be a leader and encourage others to step up and promote constructive change. Throughout my time at UNI, I have become very passionate about the importance of scholarships. I started developing programming for current Bright Scholars at UNI so we can give back to others. I also gave two speeches in front of 1,000 people where I shared my story of coming from a difficult background and how receiving the Bright Scholarship changed my life. Giving these speeches was a way for me to encourage donors to help fund students’ education. I hope to continue to promote the importance of scholarships in the future by continuing to share my personal story with others.
What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
My biggest accomplishment so far has been planning and executing a conference for high school women. I served as chair of the Young Women in Leaderships Conference for Women in Business and spent a year planning a conference that lasted six hours. Two hundred fifty high school students attended and were able to learn about how to become a leader and why we need women as leaders in our world. It was the most challenging and rewarding experience, and I learned so much.
What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?
Get involved on campus. If you view college as just a school, that is all it will be. On the other hand, if you are willing to try new things and meet new people, your college experience will be the best four years of your life. Join at least three clubs or student organizations related to your major or hobbies you enjoy. If you get involved your first year, by the time you graduate you will have lots of leadership experience.
If you had to pick a famous person to room with at college, who would it be and why?
As a HUGE philosophy nerd, I would pick Socrates. He is rumored to be the “wisest” and would definitely question everything I do, making me think deeply about my choices and actions.