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Scholar Spotlight: Hailey Huggins

School: University of Northern Iowa || Major: Business Management: Organizational Leadership

Hai­ley majors in busi­ness man­age­ment orga­ni­za­tion­al lead­er­ship with minors in phi­los­o­phy and ethics. Her biggest accom­plish­ment so far has been plan­ning and exe­cut­ing a six hour con­fer­ence for 250 high school women. Scroll to dis­cov­er what the con­fer­ence was about and more about Hailey!

How are you shar­ing your time and/​or tal­ents with oth­ers now? How do you hope to do so in the future?

For me, it is extreme­ly impor­tant to be a leader and encour­age oth­ers to step up and pro­mote con­struc­tive change. Through­out my time at UNI, I have become very pas­sion­ate about the impor­tance of schol­ar­ships. I start­ed devel­op­ing pro­gram­ming for cur­rent Bright Schol­ars at UNI so we can give back to oth­ers. I also gave two speech­es in front of 1,000 peo­ple where I shared my sto­ry of com­ing from a dif­fi­cult back­ground and how receiv­ing the Bright Schol­ar­ship changed my life. Giv­ing these speech­es was a way for me to encour­age donors to help fund stu­dents’ edu­ca­tion. I hope to con­tin­ue to pro­mote the impor­tance of schol­ar­ships in the future by con­tin­u­ing to share my per­son­al sto­ry with others. 

What has been your biggest accom­plish­ment so far?

My biggest accom­plish­ment so far has been plan­ning and exe­cut­ing a con­fer­ence for high school women. I served as chair of the Young Women in Lead­er­ships Con­fer­ence for Women in Busi­ness and spent a year plan­ning a con­fer­ence that last­ed six hours. Two hun­dred fifty high school stu­dents attend­ed and were able to learn about how to become a leader and why we need women as lead­ers in our world. It was the most chal­leng­ing and reward­ing expe­ri­ence, and I learned so much. 

What advice would you give to an incom­ing freshman?

Get involved on cam­pus. If you view col­lege as just a school, that is all it will be. On the oth­er hand, if you are will­ing to try new things and meet new peo­ple, your col­lege expe­ri­ence will be the best four years of your life. Join at least three clubs or stu­dent orga­ni­za­tions relat­ed to your major or hob­bies you enjoy. If you get involved your first year, by the time you grad­u­ate you will have lots of lead­er­ship experience.

If you had to pick a famous per­son to room with at col­lege, who would it be and why?

As a HUGE phi­los­o­phy nerd, I would pick Socrates. He is rumored to be the wis­est” and would def­i­nite­ly ques­tion every­thing I do, mak­ing me think deeply about my choic­es and actions.