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Scholar Spotlight: Morgan Wohlgemuth

Senior at Iowa State University

With this schol­ar­ship, I have been able to real­ly focus on school and grades, as opposed to work­ing enough hours to pay for rent and food. I’ve been able to earn a high GPA, take time off to study for the MCAT, pay for MCAT prep and focus on the next step in my education.” 

How are you shar­ing your time and/​or tal­ents with oth­ers now? How do you hope to do so in the future?

I cur­rent­ly vol­un­teer at the Mary Greely Med­ical Cen­ter and at my churchs child­care cen­ter. Although col­lege is busy, I think it is worth it to give back to my com­mu­ni­ty in the ways I am able. Right now, I can give time and tal­ent. In the future,hope to con­tin­ue giv­ing my time while also pro­vid­ing mon­e­tary sup­port to my com­mu­ni­ty.

What do you like most about your school?

I enjoy attend­ing a big school because there are so many options for class­es to take in my major. I have also been able to enroll in some grad­u­ate class­es, which would not have been an option at a small­er school.

What is your ideal study envi­ron­ment?

I study best by myself in a mod­er­ate­ly qui­et space. I can’t lis­ten to music, at least none with words. When pos­si­ble, I use Anki for flash­cards to make sure I know the mate­r­i­al for my class­es.

Where do you see your­self in five years? 10 years?

In five years, I hope to be fin­ish­ing med­ical school and head­ed to res­i­den­cy. In 10 years, I will final­ly be in my career as a physi­cian, either as an OB-GYN or a pedi­a­tri­cian.

What advice would you give to an incom­ing fresh­man?

It is impos­si­ble to com­pare your­self to anoth­er per­son. Every­one has dif­fer­ent life expe­ri­ences, so you can only com­pare your­self to past ver­sions of your­self.

What’s the best food on cam­pus?

I like the Car­los Que­sadil­la Truck on Cam­pus. When I don’t bring my lunch, it is my top choice.

Thanks for get­ting to know our won­der­ful schol­ars! Stayed tuned for more spot­lights to come on our News & Events page, as well as oth­er updates!