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Zachary Youmans' Book Release

Teaching Mathematics at a Technical College out now


Teach­ing Math­e­mat­ics at a Tech­ni­cal Col­lege is Zachary Youmans first book to be pub­lished after grad­u­at­ing from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Northern Iowa in 2018, and from Utah State Uni­ver­si­ty in 2020.

I am very thank­ful for the Bright Foun­da­tion which helped pro­vide step­ping stones for my future career,” Youmans said.

Youmans, a Bright Schol­ar, earned both his bachelor’s and master’s in math­e­mat­ics before start­ing his career at Cen­tral Geor­gia Tech­ni­cal Col­lege (CGTC) in Jan­u­ary 2021. After six months he was pro­mot­ed to Pro­gram Chair of the Math­e­mat­ics depart­ment, a posi­tion where he over­sees nine full-time math instruc­tors and around 1700 – 1800 stu­dents a semes­ter.

This posi­tion gave him the expe­ri­ence he used to write his first book which pro­vides con­tent on what a tech­ni­cal col­lege is, how to best teach math­e­mat­ics at one, and advice to stu­dents who are enrolled in cours­es at tech­ni­cal col­leges.

In 2014 when I first start­ed at UNI, I had no idea I would have lived in Iowa, Utah, and now Geor­gia. The Bright Foun­da­tion pro­vid­ed me with this oppor­tu­ni­ty by going to school, debt-free,” Youmans said.

Youmans is now pur­su­ing an Ed.D in High­er Edu­ca­tion Admin­is­tra­tion at Bradley Uni­ver­si­ty to hope­ful­ly become a leader at a two-year col­lege after­wards. He wants to show the world his pas­sion for the val­ue of two-year col­leges, like CGTC, and how they are great afford­able options for stu­dents.

Teach­ing Math­e­mat­ics at a Tech­ni­cal Col­lege by Zachary Youmans is avail­able for pur­chase now.

Pur­chase here ↓

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