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UNI Hosts Virtual Reception for Scholars

2020 Scholarship Recipients Recognized

On Octo­ber 6, 2020, Bright Schol­ars at the Uni­ver­si­ty of North­ern Iowa gath­ered vir­tu­al­ly with rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the Bright Foun­da­tion and UNI to rec­og­nize seniors and wel­come the 2020 cohort.

UNI Pres­i­dent Mark Nook shared some words of inspi­ra­tion fol­lowed by Bright Foun­da­tion Board Pres­i­dent Tom Press who shared addi­tion­al words of encour­age­ment. Video mes­sages from cur­rent schol­ars Hai­ley Hug­gins and Macken­zie Wisne­s­ki were played. Mered­ith Dohmen, Bright Foun­da­tion Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, rec­og­nized the newest recip­i­ents, including:

  • Baylee Ander­son
  • Alex Crim­mins
  • Tyler Find­ers
  • Madi­son Irish-Gorvin
  • Cody Ploog
  • Kari­na Rivera-Andrade

Bright Schol­ars T‑shirts were dis­trib­uted to all schol­ars in advance of the recep­tion along with medal­lions and sto­ry books for the new recip­i­ents. While the group could not gath­er in per­son, the vir­tu­al for­mat pro­vid­ed a wel­come oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect Bright Schol­ars, UNI staff, and the Bright Foundation.