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University of Iowa Hosts Reception to Honor Bright Scholars

On April 21, 2017, the University of Iowa honored its Bright Scholars of Iowa by hosting a reception at the Memorial Union.

Schol­ar­ship recip­i­ents from the last four years were rec­og­nized at the event and new schol­ars were pre­sent­ed with a medal­lion and Bright Sto­ry book from the Bright Foundation.


  • Romil­ia (Tatiana) Castil­lo – Human Phys­i­ol­o­gy/Pre-Med­i­cine
  • Con­nor Chris­tensen – Pre-Business
  • Ken­nisha Entsminger – Nurs­ing Interest
  • Angela Guer­rero – Nurs­ing Interest/​Latin Amer­i­can Studies
  • Can­dy Hey­er – Health and Human Physiology 
  • Max Hol­lis – Business 
  • Ang­ie Kalwies – Biol­o­gy/Pre-Med­i­cine/Health and the Human Condition
  • Alan (Tay­lor) Ken­wor­thy – Business 
  • Phat Le – Phar­ma­cy Interest
  • Car­olyn Lo – Human Phys­i­ol­o­gy/Pre-Med­i­cine
  • Vivian Ramirez – Business 
  • Xinyang (Lyn­da) Wang – Psychology 


  • Aida Aliba­sic – Health and Human Physiology/​Informatics/​German
  • Anna Bauer – Human Phys­i­ol­o­gy/S­pan­ish/Pre-Med­i­cine
  • Andrea Fjel­stul – Bio­med­ical Engi­neer­ing/S­pan­ish/Pre-Med­i­cine
  • Christo­pher Gre­gorie – Psychology/​Gender, Women’s and Sex­u­al­i­ty Studies
  • Sarah Grein­er – Phar­ma­cy Interest
  • Heather Kemp – Com­put­er Science
  • Geof­frey Mon­tour – Geoscience/​Chemistry
  • Natal­ie Olve­da – Biology 
  • Eliz­a­beth Roach – Ther­a­peu­tic Recreation/​Psychology/​American Sign Language
  • Ange­line Van­le – Human Phys­i­ol­o­gy/Phi­los­o­phy/Pre-Med­i­cine


  • Serif Bace­vac – Health and Human Phys­i­ol­o­gy/Pre-Med­i­cine
  • Kay­la Bak­er — Psychology
  • Rean­nan Jade Bar­low – Biol­o­gy/Pre-Vet­eri­nary Medicine
  • Jayme Blaser – Ele­men­tary Education
  • Nick­o­las Kutsch – Elec­tri­cal Engineering/​Mathematics
  • Tatum Mey­er – Phar­ma­cy Interest
  • Stephanie Niklasen – Human Phys­i­ol­o­gy/Pre-Physi­cian Assistant
  • Kyle Schwartz – His­to­ry and Pre-Law
  • Alec Shultz – Accounting/​Finance
  • Derek Stef­fen – Jour­nal­ism and Mass Communication/​Sport Studies 
  • Leah Waugh­tal – Eng­lish and Cre­ative Writing/​Gender, Women’s and Sex­u­al­i­ty Studies


  • Dil­lon Fre­itag – Inter­na­tion­al Relations/​Political Science/​Aerospace Studies
  • McKen­zie Grimm – Psychology/​Human Relations
  • Aman­da Har­gis – Eng­lish (Teacher Education)
  • Danielle Nehman – Ther­a­peu­tic Recreation/​Disability Stud­ies/Pre-Occu­pa­tion­al Therapy
  • Feri­da Nuhavon­ic – Eng­lish (Teacher Education)

The event includ­ed remarks from:

  • Dr. Brent Gage – Asso­ciate Vice Pres­i­dent for Enroll­ment Man­age­ment, Office of the Provost
  • Cathy Wilcox – Direc­tor of Oper­a­tions, Office of Stu­dent Finan­cial Aid
  • Mered­ith Dohmen – Direc­tor of Schol­ar­ships, Bright Foundation