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Bright Values: Work Hard

We Can Do Hard Things

Col­lege is full of hard work, which we know hap­pens in and out of the class­room. It can be so easy to focus on class­es and grades, which is clear­ly an impor­tant part of col­lege. How­ev­er, the real­ly hard work often comes in as we learn more about our­selves and make dif­fi­cult deci­sions. Some­times fig­ur­ing out what we need is a hard thing. Mak­ing a deci­sion can be a hard thing. Some­times we stum­ble and the hard thing is pick­ing our­selves back up and mov­ing for­ward. We want all of our schol­ars to know we val­ue all dif­fer­ent types of hard work. We are so hon­ored they share their sto­ries with us and remind us that we can do hard things.